An A1 French student can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Visit the grocer's store while practising related vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Enjoy some funny pranks while practising French conjugations in Le Présent in this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Create lovely Easter decorations while practising related vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Discover a Ramadan routine while practising a mix of French conjugations up to B1 Level with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Practise the twelve months of the year in French with this cute Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Celebrate Valentine's Day with this love poem by French poet Aragon while practising a mix of French grammar up to B2 Level with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Learn about Haïti's Revolution while practising the agreement of French adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Talk about your sport practice while practising some French adverbs of frequency with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Look for Santa while practising your French prepositions with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Learn about St Nicholas Day in France while practising the agreement of French adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »