An A2 French student can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
Find out why winter is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension. more »
Help Grandma Lucile get a new computer while practising related French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Buy some Christmas gifts while practising French definite and indefinite articles in this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise more »
Cheer for Julien's football [US:soccer] team while practising related French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Visit the video game arcade while practising when to use "y" versus "en" in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Discuss your sport habits while practising your A1-B1 French conjugations of the verb faire with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise more »
Enjoy a heartwarming recipe while practising French conjugations in L'Impératif with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise more »
Decide what to wear for Hallowe'en while practising related French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Enjoy this lovelorn vampire's love letter, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension. more »
Learn about a family business making chestnut cream, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension. more »