A B1 French speaker can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Practise the French names of French-speaking countries with this Fill-in-the-Blank exercise. more »
Learn some interesting facts about the Francophonie in this video, while practising your French B1 listening and reading skills. more »
Discover a Ramadan routine while practising a mix of French conjugations up to B1 Level with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Remember a lovely granny while practising when to use Le Passé Composé versus L'Imparfait in this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Listen to French kids talking about renowned scientist Marie Curie in this cute video, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Learn about Leap Day and Leap Year, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
(Re)discover 5 amazing Francophone Black artists, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Celebrate Valentine's Day with this love poem by French poet Aragon while practising a mix of French grammar up to B2 Level with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »
Sing along to Celine Dion's greatest French hit "Pour que tu m'aimes encore", while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Learn about Haïti's Revolution while practising the agreement of French adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise. more »