A B2 French speaker can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Challenge yourself with this hilarious Québécois claymation video, while practising your French C1 listening and reading skills. more »
Discover French doctor Michel Cymes's useful tips to fight tiredness, while practising your French C1 listening and reading skills. more »
Learn about New Year's Eve celebrations in Paris, Quebec City and Marrakech, while practising your B2 French reading and listening comprehension. more »
Sing along to the timeless French Christmas classic "Petit Papa Noël", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Learn about climate change and global warming in this great French video, while practising your B2 French listening and reading skills. more »
Sing along to Georges Brassens's best celebration of friendship, "Les Copains D'abord", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Discover a spooky Hallowe'en haunted house in Alsace, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Celebrate Hallowe'en with the band Le Diable aux Corsets's bewitching folk song "La Sorcière", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension. more »
Learn about the life and many achievements of world-famous French mime Marceau, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension. more »
Sing along to Oldelaf's hilarious "ode" to coffee drinkers, while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension. more »