B2 35

B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2

Level AchievementScore Lesson Feedback  
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Expressing "the day after/the day before" in French with "demain/hier" vs "le lendemain/la veille" vs "le jour suivant/le jour précédent" (French Expressions of Time)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Attendre quelqu'un vs s'attendre à quelque chose = to wait vs to expect in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   "Penser/trouver/savoir/croire/prétendre que" are followed with the indicative mood (L'Indicatif) in affirmative sentences BUT with the subjunctive mood (Le Subjonctif) in negative ones
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Faire + [infinitive] = to have something done in French (Causative)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Ce, cet, cette, ces + [durée] -là/-ci = that/those or this/these + [duration] (French Demonstrative Adjectives)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Dont = Whose (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Avant de + infinitive = Before + -ing in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Pour que + the subjunctive mood (Le Subjonctif) = So that.../In order that... in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Soit ... soit ... = Either ... or...
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Malgré/En dépit de = Despite/In spite of in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Depuis que + [conjugated verb] = (Ever) since + [conjugated verb] in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Duquel/de laquelle/desquels/desquelles with prepositional phrases with "de" (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   French reflexive pronouns can be used to express reciprocity - "each other"
B2 : Upper Intermediate   De qui/dont/duquel = of/about whom, of/about which - with prepositional verbs with "de" (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   À + qui, auquel, à laquelle = to whom, what, which (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - in affirmative commands in the imperative mood (L'Impératif)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Dont = Including/[quantity] of which (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Using [preposition] + qui/lequel/laquelle/etc = on what/behind whom/beside which/etc (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - Direct Object Pronoun + "y"
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - Indirect Object Pronoun + "en"
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Tout ce qui/Tout ce que = All/everything that (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - Reflexive Pronoun + Direct Object Pronoun
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Dans lequel/laquelle : alternative to où with places (French Relative Pronouns)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - Direct Object Pronoun + Indirect Object Pronoun
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Plus de ... que/Moins de ... que/Autant de ... que = More ... than/Less ... than/As much/many ... as (Comparisons with Nouns in French)
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