Test your French grammar and vocabulary with our themed fill-in-the-blanks tests. For a comprehensive evaluation of your skills, consider starting with our French level test. After choosing a topic, click "start test" and then the first blank to see the English translation of the surrounding phrase. Type the correct answer and click the next blank. After you fill in all the gaps, click "finish test" to see your results. Each answer, right or wrong, is linked to a related lesson or vocab list which you can add to your Notebook to study later.
A1: Beginner French fill-in-the-blanks exercises
- Aider à la maison (Faire in Le Présent)Practise "faire" (to do, make) in Le Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Aimez-vous les crêpes ? (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Crêpe and Pancake vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise !
- Arrivée à l'hôtel (Devoir/Pouvoir/Vouloir in Le Présent)Practise French modal verbs devoir (to have to, must), pouvoir (to be able to, can) and vouloir (to want) in Le Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Au bord de la mer (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Beach vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Au cinéma (Subject Pronouns)Practise French subject pronouns with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Au magasin de jouets (Nombres de 0 à 999)Practise spelling out French numbers from 0 to 999 with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Au restaurant (Definite & Indefinite Articles)Practise French definite and indefinite articles with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Au spectacle de mime (Reflexive Pronouns)Practise your Pronom réfléchi in French with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Bonjour ! Je me présente... (Levels A0-A1)Practise a mix of French A0 and A1 grammar points with this Fill-in-the-blank exercise
- Cache-cache dans la maison (Prepositions of location)Practise Dans/sur/sous/devant/derrière/entre = in/on top of/under/in front of/behind/between (French Prepositions of Location) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Choisir un cadeau (Connaître vs Savoir)Practise how to express "to know" in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Conférence de presse (Question Words)Practise French question words with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Dans les vestiaires (Possessive Adjectives)Practise French possessive adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Dans mon centre sportif (Pouvoir in Le Présent)Practise "pouvoir" (to be able to, can) in Le Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Des amis sportifs (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Common sports vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Destinations de vacances (Aller in Le Présent)Practise "aller" (to go) in Le Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Douze mois, douze activités (Vocabulaire)Practise your List of months in French with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Départ en vacances (Regular -ir verbs in Le Présent)Practise Le Présent of regular French -ir verbs with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- En terrasse (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Drinks in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Enquête de marché dans la rue (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Faire les courses (Partitive Articles)Practise French partitive articles (du, de la, de l', des, de, d') with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise
- Garde forestier au Canada (Vocabulaire)Practise your Nature vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- L'Eurovision en quelques chiffres (Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers)Practise spelling out French cardinal and ordinal numbers with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- L'anniversaire de Thomas (Possessive Adjectives)Practise your possessive adjectives with this fill-in-the-blank kwiz exercise
- L'automne chez mes grands-parents (Le Futur Proche)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Proche (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise
- La Fête de la Musique (Le Futur Proche)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Proche (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise
- La République française (Level A1)Practise your French A1 level with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise.
- La Vie En Rose - Édith Piaf (Le Présent + Vocabulaire)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) and some French A1 vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La course de chevaux (Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers)Practise your French cardinal and ordinal numbers with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- La déclaration d'amour (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- La foire aux fleurs (Colours)Practise French colours and their agreement with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La journée des sept nains (Aller in Le Présent)Practise "aller" (to go) in Le Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- La liste au Père Noël (Partitive Articles)Practise French partitive articles with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La maison de Cendrillon (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Rooms of the house vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- La super chambre de ma fille (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Bedroom vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- La surprise de Madame Charon (Three types of "you")Practise the three types of "you" in French with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Le 14 juillet dans mon village (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Le Château de Versailles (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Le samedi (Regular -ir verbs in Le Présent)Practise Le Présent of regular French -ir verbs with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Les Jeux Paralympiques (Definite & Indefinite Articles)Practise your French definite and indefinite articles with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Les achats de Noël (Definite and Indefinite Articles)Practise your French Article défini and Article indéfini with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Les métiers de ma famille (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Job vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Les poissons d'avril (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Les symboles de la République française (Level A1)Practise your French A1 level with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise.
- Ma (belle) famille (Possessive Adjectives)Practise your French possessive adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Ma carte d'identité (Possessive Adjectives)Practise your Adjectif possessif in French with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Ma journée au parc (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Ma maison bariolée (Colours and Agreement)Practise simple French Colours in French and their agreement with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Ma routine (Level A1)Practise a selection of A1 grammar points in this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Ma routine en montagne (Reflexive Verbs in Le Présent)Practise French conjugations of reflexive verbs in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
A2: Lower Intermediate French fill-in-the-blanks exercises
- Agence de ménage à domicile (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Anniversaire de mariage (Le Passé Composé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Apprendre en ligne (Le Passé Composé vs L'Imparfait)Practise when to use Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) vs L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Après les fêtes de fin d'année (Negations)Practise your Forme négative in French (Levels A1-A2) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Au Musée du quai Branly (Vocabulaire)Practise your Museum vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Au club de foot (Vocabulaire)Practise your Football/Soccer Vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Bonne fête Maman ! (Vocabulaire)Practise your Mother's Day vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Bénévole au festival des Francofolies (Le Passé Composé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Chez le coiffeur (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Hairdresser vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Chez le marchand de fruits et légumes (Vocabulaire)Practise these Vegetables vocabulary in French and Common fruit in French this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Coco, mon perroquet (L'Imparfait)Practise your French conjugations in L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Comment fabriquer un poisson d'avril (L'Impératif)Practise your French conjugations in L'Impératif Présent with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Comment utiliser une cafetière à piston (L'Impératif)Practise your French conjugations in L'Impératif with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Conseils pour économiser l'eau (Le Passé Composé vs L'Imparfait) Practise when to use Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) vs L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Conseils pratiques en voiture (L'Impératif)Practise your French conjugations in L'Impératif Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Conte de fées (Le Passé Composé vs L'Imparfait)Practise when to use Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) vs L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Dans la salle de bains (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Bathroom vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Dans ma valise (Coordinating Conjunctions)Practise your French French coordinating conjunctions vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Dans un magasin de vêtements (Demonstrative Adjectives)Practise French demonstrative adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- De fortes émotions (Avoir vs Être)Practise when to use avoir or être in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Des blagues pour le 1er avril (Le Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Présent (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Des gestes pour la planète (Vocabulaire)Practise your Eco-friendly vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Des plats d'automne (Adverbs of frequency)Practise your French adverbs of frequency with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Des vacances à Oléron (Stress Pronouns)Practise your French stress pronouns with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Deux frères (Masculine Plural Agreement of Adjectives)Practise the masculine plural forms of adjectives in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Deux sœurs (Feminine Plural Agreement of Adjectives)Practise the feminine plural forms of adjectives in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Dimanche à Chartres (Le Passé Composé vs L'Imparfait)Practise when to use Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) vs L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Discussion entre deux amies (Connaître vs Savoir)Practise whether to use "savoir" or "connaître" to express "to know" in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Décorations de Pâques (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Easter vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Développer la Francophonie (Plural of Adjectives)Practise the plural forms of adjectives in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- En voiture (Avoir vs Être)Practise a selection of French expressions with avoir and être with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Faites-vous du sport ? (Adverbs of frequency)Practise your French adverbs of frequency with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Habitudes sportives (Prepositions with faire and jouer)Practise your prepositions with the verbs "jouer" and "faire" in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Hanoucca dans ma famille (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Hanukkah vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Histoires de Galette des Rois (Le Passé Composé vs L'Imparfait)Practise when to use Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) vs L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Joyeuses Pâques ! (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Easter vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- La Fête des Pères (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Father's Day vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- La Galette des Rois (Vocabulaire)Practise your French La Galette des Rois vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz
- La Révolution d'Haïti (Agreement of Adjectives)Practise the agreement of Adjectif in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La Saint-Nicolas en France (Agreement of Adjectives)Practise the agreement of Adjectif in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La discussion (Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns)Practise French direct and indirect object pronouns with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La fête nationale en Belgique (Le Passé Composé and L'Imparfait)Practise your French conjugations in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) and L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La routine beauté d'Amélie (Vocabulaire)Practise your Make-up items in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- La soupe au potiron de ma grand-mère (L'Impératif)Practise your French conjugations in L'Impératif Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- La télé de mon enfance (L'Imparfait)Practise your French conjugations in L'Imparfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- La visite chez le kiné (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Parts of the body vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Le pique-nique (Le Passé Composé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Le règlement de la piscine (L'Impératif)Practise your French conjugations in L'Impératif Présent ("vous" form) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Le weekend de Paul (Le Passé Composé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Les bêtises de mon neveu (Le Passé Composé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
B1: Intermediate French fill-in-the-blanks exercises
- Au ski (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Skiing vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz
- Au téléphone (Vocabulaire)Practise your Phone vocabulary in French - Nouns and Phone vocabulary in French - Verbs in this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Coincés sur la route ! (Vocabulaire)Practise your Traffic vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Comment réussir un bon gigot (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Cooking verbs in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Conseils et astuces en cuisine (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Cooking verbs in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Des idées de rénovations (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Des promotions en pagaille ! (Mixed Conjugations A1-A2-B1)Practise your French Conjugation Tenses (Tense+Mood+Aspect) (A1 to B1 Levels) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Des résolutions pour la nouvelle année (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Des vacances dans la nature (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Camping vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Des vêtements pour l'hiver (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Winter clothes vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Dispute entre frère et sœur (Verbs followed by à or de + infinitive)Practise a selection of List of verbs followed by the preposition de and an infinitive in French - 1, List of verbs followed by the preposition de and an indirect object in French - 2 and List of verbs followed by the preposition à and an infinitive in French - 1 with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- En 3019 (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Exprimer sa gratitude (Relative Pronouns)Practise your French Pronom relatif "qui/que/ce qui/ce que" with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Faire du sport (Mixed Conjugations of the Verb faire)Practise your French conjugations of the verb "faire" (to do, make) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Fête du Nouvel An (Vocabulaire)Practise your French New Year vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz
- Horoscope de l'année (Le Futur Simple) Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Jour de manif (Le Futur Simple + Telling time)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) AND telling time with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- L'arrière-saison (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Fall/autumn vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- L'université, c'est génial ! (Vocabulaire)Practise your French University Vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- La Toussaint en France (Vocabulaire)Practise your French All Saints' Day vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- La forêt de Brocéliande en Bretagne (Relative Pronouns)Practise your French Pronom relatif "qui/que/ce qui/ce que" with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- La nuit d'Halloween (Vocabulaire)Is your Hallowe'en vocabulary in French ghastly or scarily good? Trick-or-treat yourself to our spooktacular Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz!
- La réunion (Verbs followed by à or de)Practise a selection of List of verbs followed by the preposition à OR de in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Le 14 juillet en famille (tout/tous/toute/toutes)Practise how to use tout, tous, toute or toutes with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Le Clown (Verbs followed by à or de)Practise a selection of List of verbs followed by the preposition à and an indirect object in French - 2, List of verbs followed by both prepositions à and de in French and List of verbs followed by the preposition à and an infinitive in French - 4 with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Le Débarquement (Vocabulaire)Practise your French D-Day vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Le Tour de France (Vocabulaire)Practise your Tour de France vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Le bulletin météo (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Le cinéma, c'est quoi ? (Vocabulaire)Practise your Cinema vocabulary in French in this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Le mois prochain à New York (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Le monde de la haute couture (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Fashion vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz
- Le village d'Iseltwald en Suisse (Pronouns y vs en) Practise French Pronom adverbial with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Lecture ou Télé ? (Comparatives)Practise your comparatives in French with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Les corvées du weekend (Faire in Le Futur Simple)Practise French conjugations of "faire" and its derivatives in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Les enfants au restaurant (Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives)Practise French possessive pronouns and adjectives with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Les pays francophones (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Countries of Francophonie in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Les pays francophones d'Afrique (Vocabulaire)Practise your Countries of Francophonie in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Lyon : une ville intéressante (Mixed Conjugations A1 to B1)Practise your French Conjugation Tenses (Tense+Mood+Aspect) (Levels A1 to B1) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Ma Saint-Valentin idéale (Le Conditionnel Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Conditionnel Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Ma lettre au Père Noël (Le Conditionnel Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Conditionnel Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Ma passion pour le cinéma (Vocabulaire)Practise your Cinema vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Ma sortie au restaurant (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Mes choses préférées (Ce que vs Que)Practise when to use relative pronouns "ce que" versus "que" with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Mes préparations de Saint-Valentin (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Mes vacances en Normandie (Le Futur Simple)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Mes vacances idéales (Le Conditionnel Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Conditionnel with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Mon Ramadan (Mixed Conjugations A1 to B1)Practise your French Conjugation Tenses (Tense+Mood+Aspect) (A1 to B1 Levels) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Mon Valentin (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Valentine's Day vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise !
- Mon bureau multicolore (Colours and Agreement)Practise advanced French colours and their agreement with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Mon rêve pour cette année (Le Conditionnel Présent)Practise Le Conditionnel in French with this Fill-in-the-Blank kwiz exercise
B2: Upper Intermediate French fill-in-the-blanks exercises
- "Nous dormirons ensemble" - poème d'Aragon (Mixed A1 to B2 Grammar)Practise a range of A1 to B2 grammar points with this poetic Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Au défilé de mode (Le Plus-que-Parfait)Practise your French conjugations in Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Au retour du travail (Le Futur Antérieur)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Antérieur with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Changement de programme (Subjonctif Présent et Passé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Subjonctif Présent and Le Subjonctif Passé with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Des vacances reportées (Le Conditionnel Passé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Conditionnel Passé with this Fill-in-the-blanks kwiz exercise
- En attendant Aline (Le Futur Antérieur)Practise your French conjugations in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-blanks exercise
- Histoires d'hiver (Mixed Conjugations of the Verb avoir)Practise your French conjugations of the verb "avoir" (to have) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- La soirée de mes rêves (Le Plus-que-Parfait)Practise your French conjugations in Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Le Black Friday (Vocabulaire)Practise your Black Friday and Sales vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Le défilé des armées du 14 juillet (Vocabulaire)Practise your Military Vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Les Jeux Olympiques (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Olympic Games / Les Jeux Olympiques (v) vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Océanopolis, un paradis des animaux de la mer (Vocabulaire)Practise your Underwater vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Plongée dans le Golfe du Morbihan (Vocabulaire)Practise your Underwater vocabulary in French with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Pour l'écologie (Mixed Conjugations of the Verb faire)Practise your French conjugations of the verb "faire" (to do, make) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Préparer les fêtes (Le Subjonctif Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Subjonctif Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Que penses-tu des JO Paris 2024 ? (Mixed Conjugations A1 to B2)Practise your French Conjugation Tenses (Tense+Mood+Aspect) (Levels A1 to B2) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- Se préparer pour sortir (Le Subjonctif Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Subjonctif Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Si j'avais su… (Le Conditionnel Présent and Passé)Practise your French conjugations in Le Conditionnel Présent and Passé with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Un ami face à un cambriolage (Le Subjonctif Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Subjonctif Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Un grand changement (Advanced Relative Pronouns)Practise advanced French relative pronouns (dont, duquel, lequel, etc) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise
- Un vrai coup de foudre (Le Plus-que-Parfait)Practise your French conjugations in Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Une envie de changement (Le Plus-que-Parfait)Practise your French conjugations in Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Vive la Fête Nationale ! (Vocabulaire)Practise your French Bastille Day vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
- À la bibliothèque (Le Subjonctif Présent)Practise your French conjugations in Le Subjonctif Présent with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz exercise
- Écrire un C.V. (Vocabulaire)Practise your French CV / Résumé vocabulary in French vocabulary with this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz!
C1: Advanced French fill-in-the-blanks exercises
- Le marché des voitures électriques en France (Advanced Large Numbers)Practise spelling out large French numbers with this Fill-in-the-Blanks exercise