Things covered : Verbes Pronominaux au Passe Compose Accord du Participe Passe des verbes Pronominaux Negations Place de L'adverbe Systeme Hypothetique Gerondif Participe Present Pronom Demonstratifs
Level | Kwiziq score | Lesson | Lesson Award | |
B1 : Intermediate | Conjugate most French verbs in the conditional present (Le Conditionnel Présent) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Conjugate faire in the conditional present in French (Le Conditionnel Présent) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Conjugate aller in the conditional present in French (Le Conditionnel Présent) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Conjugate devoir in the conditional present in French = should (Le Conditionnel Présent) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Conjugate pouvoir in the conditional present in French = could (Le Conditionnel Présent) | |||
B2 : Upper Intermediate | Conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the conditional past in French (Le Conditionnel Passé) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Conjugate avoir in the conditional present in French (Le Conditionnel Présent) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | En + "-ant" = While/by + "-ing" in French (Gerund/Le Gérondif) |