Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes doesn't match the number of syllables

Janet M.B1Kwiziq community member

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes doesn't match the number of syllables

You can clearly see that these lyrics can't be sung to this tune. I've listed the actual number of syllables for each line.

Bijoux, Cailloux - 4

Head, shoulders - 3 (You could fix this by calling the song "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes" as it is sometimes sung.


Genoux, Joujoux - 4

Knees and toes - 3


Chou-ou-ou-oux - 1 (artificially made into 4)

And eyes and ears - 4


Poux et Hiboux - 4 

And mou-outh and nose - 5

Asked 1 month ago
Janet M. asked:

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes doesn't match the number of syllables

You can clearly see that these lyrics can't be sung to this tune. I've listed the actual number of syllables for each line.

Bijoux, Cailloux - 4

Head, shoulders - 3 (You could fix this by calling the song "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes" as it is sometimes sung.


Genoux, Joujoux - 4

Knees and toes - 3


Chou-ou-ou-oux - 1 (artificially made into 4)

And eyes and ears - 4


Poux et Hiboux - 4 

And mou-outh and nose - 5

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