This was a fantastic exercise with unusual references:
Printanniére, careme, le Maréchal Pétain, confiserie.
Does Laura K. Lawless do the audios for Google Translate?
"Bonne fête des Mères !" has been shared to the blog from the French reading exercises section of the learning library where you can find a large selection of interactive texts to help you with your reading skills. This article also has audio for you to practice your French listening skills; you can find many more listening activities in the French listening practice section.
One Sunday in May or June is designated Mother’s Day in France, but why? Where does this annual maternal celebration come from? Find out in our bilingual article with audio by Aurélie.
- What's this?
Further reading
- French vocabulary for Mother’s Day
- D’ou vient la fête des Mères ?
- L’origine de la fête des Mères
- Jours fériés et non-fériés – Dates for all French holidays