Friday B2 Writing Challenge - Week 5

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List of lessons related to the Writing Challenge Level B2, Week 5, first published on the 06/05/16

Level Kwiziq score Lesson Lesson Award  
A1 : Beginner   Ordinal numbers - 1st/2nd/10th/etc - in French
B1 : Intermediate   Dernier = final/previous (French Adjectives that change meaning according to position)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A1 : Beginner   Using le, la, les with body parts and clothing (definite articles)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Dont = Whose (French Relative Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular verbs in the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Expressing continuing action with the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate semi-regular -ger verbs in the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Expressing quantities in French with quelques/plusieurs/de nombreux = A few/several/many
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular -er verbs (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate reflexive verbs (+être) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Agreeing past participle with subject's gender and number with (+ être) verbs in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
B1 : Intermediate   En + "-ant" = While/by + "-ing" in French (Gerund/Le Gérondif)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Special cases when you use mon/ma/mes/etc with parts of the body (French Possessive Adjectives)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   De qui/dont/duquel = of/about whom, of/about which - with prepositional verbs with "de" (French Relative Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Forming adverbs from adjectives ending in -ant and -ent in French (French Adverbs)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Sortir can be used with avoir or être in Le Passé Composé depending on its meaning in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - Direct Object Pronoun + Indirect Object Pronoun
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Special cases when the past participle agrees (in number & gender) when used with 'avoir' in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A1 : Beginner   Beau, nouveau, vieux, fou, mou have two masculine forms and one feminine form (French Adjectives)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Using le/la/l'/les = it/him/her/them (French Direct Object Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular -ir verbs (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   En vs Dans with time (French Prepositions of Time)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   "Ma" becomes "mon" with feminine nouns starting with a vowel or mute h (French Possessive Adjectives)
B1 : Intermediate   Qui = Who/which/that (French Relative Pronouns)
B1 : Intermediate   Ce qui (vs ce que) = what/which (French Relative Pronouns)
B1 : Intermediate   Passer/se passer/se passer de - the different meanings of the verb "passer" in French
A1 : Beginner   Me/te/nous/vous = Me/you/us/you (French Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns)
A1 : Beginner   Pour + [infinitive] = In order to + [do] in French
C1 : Advanced   Avant que + ne explétif + the subjunctive mood (Le Subjonctif) = Before I do in French
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Conjugate verbs in the subjunctive past in French (Le Subjonctif Passé)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Forming the superlative of French adjectives in complex cases
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the pluperfect tense in French (Le Plus-que-Parfait)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate coming and going verbs (+ être) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Expressing "the day after/the day before" in French with "demain/hier" vs "le lendemain/la veille" vs "le jour suivant/le jour précédent" (French Expressions of Time)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Position of French Object Pronouns - with negations
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