Friday A1 Writing Challenge - Week 11

List of lessons related to the Writing Challenge Level A1, Week 11, first published on the 24/06/16

Level AchievementScore Lesson Feedback  
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate avoir in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A0 : Entry Level   Most French nouns take an -s in the plural unless they already end in -s, -x, -z
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Le plus/Le moins = The most/the least (Superlative with Adverbs in French)
A0 : Entry Level   Most adjectives can be made feminine by adding -e in French
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate -eter and -eler verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent) - main rule (ll / tt)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate reflexive verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A0 : Entry Level   Avoir [nombre] ans = To be [number] years old (French Expressions with avoir)
A1 : Beginner   Forming the plural of French nouns ending in -eu
A1 : Beginner   Using le, la, l', les before nouns when generalising (definite articles)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate être in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Common mistakes with mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes and son/sa/ses (French Possessive Adjectives)
A1 : Beginner   Colour descriptions change according to gender and number (French Colour Adjectives)
A1 : Beginner   Adjectives ending in -eux become -euse in the feminine in French
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate regular -er verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Using the infinitive form of verbs to express the English "-ING"
A1 : Beginner   Forming the plural of French nouns ending in -au or -eau
A1 : Beginner   Notre/nos/votre/vos/leur/leurs = our/your/their (French Possessive Adjectives)
A0 : Entry Level   Expressing dates in French