Encore plus de faits intéressants sur le français

After the success of our 1st article on interesting facts about French, and by popular demand, here are more interesting facts about French!

After listening to the audio, scroll down for the bilingual reader, where you can click any French phrase for the English translation and related grammar lessons.

Part 1

Part 2


Links and References:

  1. Le premier enregistrement sonore désormais disponible
  2. Fréquence d'apparition des lettres en français, Cryptage : analyse des fréquences
  3. Le grand palindrome
  4. Populations Of 150 Largest Cities In The World
  5. Europeans and Their Languages (PDF)
  6. The Alliance française in the USA
  7. Canadian Citizenship & Immigration

Click any word in the text to see its translation and related grammar lessons.

Clever stuff happening!