Beach vocabulary in French
A useful French vocabulary list about going to the beach
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le bord de mer | | the seaside |
la plage | | the beach |
le sable | | the sand |
un parasol | | a parasol |
une serviette de plage | | a beach towel |
la crème solaire | | the sun lotion |
prendre un bain de soleil | | to sunbathe |
bronzer | | to tan |
les lunettes de soleil | | sun glasses |
le maillot de bain | | the swimsuit |
les tongs | | flip flops |
une pelle | | a spade / a shovel |
un seau | | a bucket |
un râteau | | a rake |
un château de sable | | a sandcastle |
un coquillage | | a seashell |
l'étoile de mer | | the starfish |
la mer | | the sea |
la vague | | the wave |
nager | | to swim |
se baigner | | to bathe |
le soleil | | the sun |
une bouée | | a rubber ring |
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