Justice vocabulary in French
A useful French vocabulary list related to the judiciary
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la justice | | justice |
le Droit | | Law (discipline) |
porter plainte | | to report (a crime) |
un tribunal | | a tribunal |
un procès | | a trial |
une loi | | a law |
un avocat | | a lawyer (m) |
une avocate | | a lawyer (f) |
défendre | | to defend |
accuser | | to accuse |
un/une juge | | a judge |
un jury | | a jury |
un juré | | a member of the jury (m) |
une jurée | | a member of the jury (f) |
juger | | to judge |
un témoin | | a witness |
témoigner | | to testify / to bear witness |
un témoignage | | a testimony |
poursuivre quelqu'un en justice | | to sue someone |
un verdict | | a verdict |
juste | | fair |
injuste | | unfair |
condamner | | to sentence |
coupable | | guilty |
acquitter | | to acquit |
non coupable | | not guilty |
faire appel | | to appeal |
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