I’ll give you some sentences to translate into French
- I’ll show you where you make mistakes
- I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
- Change my choices if you want
Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:
- I really want this new year to be better for me, so I made a list of resolutions that focus on my well-being. For example, I decided to start keeping a diary, in which I'll be able to express my emotions, which will help me feel better about myself. - What an excellent idea! I'd also like to take care of myself this year, whether it be by carving more time in my busy schedule in order to do things that I enjoy, or by starting a new fulfilling hobby. I've always dreamed of knowing how to knit, so in January, I'll join a knitting club in my community! - I agree, I must make an effort to meet more people, and a new hobby could be exactly what I need. I'll look online to see if there's a photography club near me...