Friday B1 Writing Challenge - Week 39

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List of lessons related to the Writing Challenge Level B1, Week 39, first published on the 13/01/17

Level Kwiziq score Lesson Lesson Award  
A1 : Beginner   Using le, la, les with body parts and clothing (definite articles)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Ce/cet/cette and ces = this/that and these/those (French Demonstrative Adjectives)
A1 : Beginner   À/en + [means of transportation] (French Prepositions)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate regular -er verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular -er verbs (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular -ir verbs (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate coming and going verbs (+ être) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Inverted questions in the present tense (Le Présent) in French - regular forms (except il/elle/on forms)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Using negations with infinitive verbs in French indirect speech (French Negations)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Using le/la/l'/les = it/him/her/them (French Direct Object Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Tout/tous/toute/toutes = Everything/all (of them)/whole/completely in French
B1 : Intermediate   Expressing "to leave" with partir/laisser/quitter/sortir in French
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Common mistakes with mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes and son/sa/ses (French Possessive Adjectives)
B1 : Intermediate   Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
A1 : Beginner   Pour + [infinitive] = In order to + [do] in French
B1 : Intermediate   Conjugate être in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
B1 : Intermediate   Conjugate aller in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
B1 : Intermediate   Conjugate -dre and -re verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
B1 : Intermediate   Conjugate faire in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
B1 : Intermediate   Quand/pendant que + future tense (Le Futur Simple) - not the present tense = When/while I do something in the future (Sequence of Tenses in French)
B1 : Intermediate   En + "-ant" = While/by + "-ing" in French (Gerund/Le Gérondif)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate reflexive verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
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