Conjugate reflexive verb se coucher in the present tense in French (Le Présent)

In Le Présent, the 'se' part of a reflexive verb changes according to the je/tu/il/nous/vous/ils part (in grammar jargon: the reflexive pronoun in a reflexive verb agrees with the subject).

Learn how to conjugate SE COUCHER (to go to bed/to lie down) in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French

je me couche I go to bed
tu te couches you go to bed (singular-familiar form)
il/elle/on se couche he/she/we/one/people go to bed
nous nous couchons we go to bed
vous vous couchez
you go to bed (plural/formal)
ils/elles se couchent They go to bed

Note: you could also use the expression "aller au lit" ('to go to bed' literally)

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Examples and resources

Nous nous couchons maintenant.We're going to bed now.
Mes enfants se couchent à 9 heures.My children go to bed at 9.
À quelle heure tu te couches?What time do you go to bed?
Elle se couche à minuit.She goes to bed at midnight.
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