Avoir [nombre] ans = To be [number] years old (French Expressions with avoir)

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In French, to express how old someone is you use "avoir [nombre] ans".

How to say how old you are in French

Look at these examples expressing age:

J'ai quinze ans.I am fifteen.


Tu as quarante ans.You are forty.


Vous avez soixante-huit ans.You are sixty-eight.

Note that to say how old someone is in French, we use avoir + age + ans.

Effectively we say I have fifteen years, not I am fifteen.

In French, you cannot omit ans as it wouldn't make sense. J'ai quinze simply means I have fifteen (fifteen what?)

To ask someone's age:

Quel âge as-tu ?How old are you?

Quel âge avez-vous ?How old are you?

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Examples and resources

Vous avez vingt-huit ans.You're twenty-eight years old.
Quel âge as-tu ?How old are you?
Quel âge avez-vous ?How old are you?
J'ai quinze ans.I am fifteen.
Tu as quarante ans.You are forty.
J'ai vingt-cinq ans.I am twenty-five.
Vous avez soixante-huit ans.You are sixty-eight.