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Demonstrative pronouns ceci (this) and cela (that) refer to an idea or indefinite expression.
Ceci is the contraction of ce + ici (=this), whereas cela is the contraction of ce + là (=that).
Learn how to use "ceci" and "cela" in French
Here are the different ways to use ceci and cela.
Ceci or cela
1. Distance
As in English, ceci (this) refers to an object closer to the speaker and cela (that) to a more distant object.
2. Notions
When referring to a notion, ceci (this) introduces the notion whereas cela (that) refers to an idea already mentioned.
L'environnement est une cause importante. Je comprends cela.The environment is an important cause. I understand that.
ATTENTION: ceci/cela versus ça
In everyday, less formal speech, ceci and cela are commonly replaced with ça.
Fixed expressions such as that said (cela dit) can never become ça dit.
Ceci and cela
Note that when you use ceci and cela together as contrasting elements, you cannot replace them with ça.
1. Distance
When using both ceci and cela in the same sentence, ceci refers to what's closest to the speaker and cela to what's farthest from them.
2. "Former/Latter"
When referring to notions, ceci refers to the latter idea (closer to the second part of the sentence) and cela the former idea (farther from the second part).
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