Conjugate dormir and other -MIR verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)

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The verb dormir, like other irregular -MIR verbs in Le Présent, doesn't conjugate like regular -IR verbs.

Learn how to conjugate DORMIR (to sleep) in Le Présent in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French

je dors
I sleep
tu dors you sleep (one person you know well)
il/elle/on dort he/she/it/one sleeps / we/people sleep
nous dormons we sleep
vous dormez you sleep (more than one person or formal)
ils/elles dorment they sleep


Listen to these examples:

J'ai de la chance, je me rendors facilement.I'm lucky, I fall back to sleep easily.

Tu dors combien d'heures par nuit ?How many hours a night do you sleep?

Il s'endort souvent sur son livre.He often falls asleep on his book.

Nous dormons toujours ensemble.We always sleep together.

En général, vous dormez profondément.Generally, you sleep deeply.

Les enfants dorment paisiblement.The children are sleeping peacefully.


Other irregular -MIR verbs include:

s'endormir (to fall asleep)

endormir (to put [someone] to sleep)

se rendormir (to fall back to sleep)

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Examples and resources

Les enfants dorment paisiblement.The children are sleeping peacefully.
Il s'endort souvent sur son livre.He often falls asleep on his book.
Nous dormons toujours ensemble.We always sleep together.
J'ai de la chance, je me rendors facilement.I'm lucky, I fall back to sleep easily.
Tu dors combien d'heures par nuit ?How many hours a night do you sleep?
En général, vous dormez profondément.Generally, you sleep deeply.
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