Ne ... jamais = Never (French Negations)

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In French, to express something never happens, you use ne ... jamais.

Negative sentences with "ne ... jamais" in French

Look at these two sentences:

Je ne vais jamais à la gym.I never go to the gym.

Je n'écoute jamais le prof.I never listen to the teacher.

Notice that to say never, you use ne.. jamais around the conjugated verb.

Note: ne becomes n' when in front of a vowel or mute h.


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Examples and resources

Nous n'allons jamais faire ça.We're never going to do that.
Il ne conduit jamais sa voiture.He never drives his car
Je ne vais jamais à l'école à pied.I never walk to school
Nous ne sommes jamais de mauvais poil.We are never in a bad mood.
Je ne vais jamais à la gym.I never go to the gym.
Je n'écoute jamais le prof.I never listen to the teacher.
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