Non plus = Neither/nor (French Negations)

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In French, to express [me/you...] neither or nor do [I/you...], you use ... non plus.

Negative sentences with "... non plus" in French

Look at these opposites:

Je vois Boris.
- Moi aussi !
I see Boris.
- Me too!

Je ne vois pas Boris.
- Moi non plus !
I don't see Boris.
- Me neither!

Note that non plus (neither) is the negative of aussi (also/too)

In French, it's actually simpler than in English for once, as you always use non plus as a shorter way to answer in the negative (i.e. neither or nor), as such:

Je ne mange pas beaucoup. - Non, moi non plus.I don't eat much. - No, me neither.
I don't eat much. - No, nor do I.

Je n'ai pas payé la facture d'électricité. Le chauffage non plus.I didn't pay the electricity bill. Nor the heating.

Elle n'aime pas la vanille. Et le chocolat non plus.She doesn't like vanilla. Nor chocolate.

Note that because plus is used in a negative context here, you don't pronounce the final "s".

See also Ne ... pas non plus = Not ... either (French Negations) 

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Examples and resources

Je ne mange pas beaucoup. - Non, moi non plus.I don't eat much. - No, me neither.
I don't eat much. - No, nor do I.
Je ne vois pas Boris.
- Moi non plus !
I don't see Boris.
- Me neither!
Elle n'aime pas la vanille. Et le chocolat non plus.She doesn't like vanilla. Nor chocolate.
Je n'ai pas payé la facture d'électricité. Le chauffage non plus.I didn't pay the electricity bill. Nor the heating.

counter example

Je vois Boris.
- Moi aussi !
I see Boris.
- Me too!
I'll be right with you...