Questions and Answers4305
- why is it 'J'ai vu des endroits magnifiques' - 21 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- why is it that j'y avais manque is wrong and ca me manquait is right. The phrase was ... i was missing it so much. SoI thought it was y and it isn't - - 21 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- Ben will sit at that desk until after he's finished his homework." ? - 21 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- It is correct to say Je suis en ville. But incorrect to say Le bureau de poste est en centre-ville? per this lesson. - 21 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- Etre en retard versus Avoir de retard - 20 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- Se réveiller - 20 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- J'aime que tu prennes ton temps. - 19 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- My question is: when does one use 'juste' in front of 'au cas où' and when is 'au cas où' used by itself? - 19 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- Why does one sentence require ‘chez elle’ and the other not? - 18 October, 2021 - Answer Answered
- Which one am I talking to? Grace or Joesph that question confuses me I don't understand. - 18 October, 2021 - Answer Answered