The concept of Négritude was an anti-colonial cultural and political movement founded by a group of African and Caribbean students in Paris in the 1930s who sought to reclaim the value of blackness and African culture.
In this excerpt of 2013's TV movie Le Prix de la Liberté retracing the life of Aimé Césaire, we witness a fictionalised writing session between the 3 "Pères de la Négritude": Martinican Aimé Césaire, Senegalese Léopold Sédar Senghor and Guianan Léon-Gontran Damas.
Discover a fundamental moment of French Black History in this video, followed by our own bilingual transcript.
After watching the video, scroll down for the transcript in our bilingual reader, where you can click any French phrase for the English translation and related grammar lessons.

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