Most adjectives can be made feminine by adding -e in French

In French, to make an adjective feminine, you must add an -e at the end. This is valid for most adjectives.

Learn how to form feminine adjectives in French

Look at this example:

Il y a un petit chat et une petite souris.There is a small cat and a small mouse.

In French, the "describing word"/adjective (here petit) changes according to whether the object it refers to is masculine (un chat) or feminine (une souris).

As other regular adjectivespetit simply takes an -e in the feminine form (une petite souris).

Here are more examples:

Il est français et elle est française.He is French and she is French.

Le joli garçon est avec la jolie fille.The pretty boy is with the pretty girl.

Je mange un melon vert et une pomme verte.I eat a green melon and a green apple.

See also Most adjectives can be made plural by adding -s in French
Adjectives ending with mute -e don't change in the feminine in French
and Colour descriptions change according to gender and number (French Colour Adjectives)


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Examples and resources

Il y a un petit chat et une petite souris.There is a small cat and a small mouse.
Je mange un melon vert et une pomme verte.I eat a green melon and a green apple.
Il est français et elle est française.He is French and she is French.
Le joli garçon est avec la jolie fille.The pretty boy is with the pretty girl.
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