Position of Double Pronouns in French - in affirmative commands in the imperative mood (L'Impératif)

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In French, In French, if there are two objects pronouns in one sentence, they both go before the conjugated verb. But this is not the case in L'Impératif.

Position of double object pronouns in sentences in L'Impératif Présent in French

Look at these examples:

Tu me les donnes. - Donne-les-moi !You give them to me. - Give them to me!

Vous vous y amusez. - Amusez-vous-y !You have fun there. - Have fun there!

Tu le lui envoies. - Envoie-le-lui !You send it to him. - Send it to him!

When you use L'Impératif Présent with object pronouns, you have to consider three things:

    1. The object pronouns me/te become stress pronouns moi/toi 
    2. The verb comes first, followed by both object pronouns, each hyphenated (-) to the word before
    3. Direct object pronouns le/la/les are placed before indirect object pronouns moi/toi/lui/nous/vous/leur


              Adverbial pronouns en/y are placed after moi/toi/lui/nous/vous/leur and moi/toi become m' and t'


You don't put a hyphen between the two pronouns, when using t' / m' before y or en.

Donne-t'en !Give yourself some!

Parle-m'en !Tell me about it!  
Tell me about them!
 -> Note that en here can replace a plural noun referring to things but NOT people (parler des vacances, but not parler des enfants for example)
See also En can replace de + [phrase] (French Adverbial Pronouns)

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Examples and resources

Tu le lui envoies. - Envoie-le-lui !You send it to him. - Send it to him!
Tu me les donnes. - Donne-les-moi !You give them to me. - Give them to me!
Vous vous y amusez. - Amusez-vous-y !You have fun there. - Have fun there!
Donne-t'en !Give yourself some!
Parle-m'en !Tell me about it!  
Tell me about them!
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