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The verb mettre (to put) and derivatives* are irregular in Le Présent in French.
Learn how to conjugate METTRE (to put) in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French
je mets | I put |
tu mets | you put (informal/singular) |
il/elle/on met | he/she puts - we put |
nous mettons | we put |
vous mettez | you put (formal/plural) |
ils/elles mettent | they put |
Have a look at these extra examples:
*These other verbs ending in -mettre follow the same conjugation pattern:
transmettre (to transmit)
permettre (to permit)
admettre (to admit)
promettre (to promise)
remettre (to put back)
admettre (to admit)
promettre (to promise)
remettre (to put back)
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