Quand/pendant que + future tense (Le Futur Simple) - not the present tense = When/while I do something in the future (Sequence of Tenses in French)

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In French, to express "when/while I do [something]", you use "quand/pendant que" + Le Futur Simple.

How to use "quand/pendant que" with Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) in French

Here is a sentence in English using when, where the actions all take place in the future:

When I am old, I will have a house.

Notice how the verb after when in these sentences is in the Present tense.

Now look at these sentences using quand in a future context:

Quand je serai vieux, je serai riche.When I am old, I will be rich.

Quand elle aura des enfants, elle changera d'avis.When she has children, she will change her mind.

Quand Thomas sera à l'université, nous déménagerons.When Thomas is at university, we will move out.

Quand tu viendras, tu verras la nouvelle cuisine.When you come, you will see the new kitchen.

Notice how in French you use the Le Futur in both parts of the sentence, including after quand, whereas in English you use the Present tense after when.

This rule also applies to the expression pendant que (while) when used in a future context:

Tu feras tes devoirs pendant que je ferai la vaisselle.You'll do your homework while I do the dishes.

Mathieu viendra te voir pendant que je serai chez le docteur.Mathieu will come and see you while I am at the doctor's.

Pendant que nous finirons de manger, il vous montrera ses tableaux.While we finish eating, he will show you his paintings.

Also see advanced lesson  Quand/lorsque/après que/une fois que + future perfect (Le Futur Antérieur) = When/after I've done something in the future (Sequence of Tenses in French)

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Examples and resources

Pendant que nous finirons de manger, il vous montrera ses tableaux.While we finish eating, he will show you his paintings.
Elle fera ses devoirs pendant que je ferai la vaisselle.She'll do her homework while I'm doing the dishes.
Quand elle aura des enfants, elle changera d'avis.When she has children, she will change her mind.
Quand Thomas sera à l'université, nous déménagerons.When Thomas is at university, we will move out.
Quand tu viendras, tu verras la nouvelle cuisine.When you come, you will see the new kitchen.
Quand je serai vieux, je serai riche.When I am old, I will be rich.
Quand vous viendrez, vous verrez les décorations d'Halloween.When you come, you'll see the Halloween decorations.
Tu feras tes devoirs pendant que je ferai la vaisselle.You'll do your homework while I'm doing the dishes.
Tu feras tes devoirs pendant que je ferai la vaisselle.You'll do your homework while I do the dishes.
Mathieu viendra te voir pendant que je serai chez le docteur.Mathieu will come and see you while I am at the doctor's.
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