Conjugate verbs (+ être) in the conditional past in French (Le Conditionnel Passé)

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Learn how to conjugate verbs with "être" in Le Conditionnel Passé in French:

Je serais allé en Australie si j'avais eu les moyens.I would have gone to Australia if I could have afforded it.

Tu y serais allée toi-même ?Would you have gone (there) yourself?

Serait-elle déjà partie ?Would she have left already?

Nous serions arrivés plus tôt s'il n'y avait pas eu d'embouteillage.We would have arrived earlier if there hadn't been a traffic jam.

Seriez-vous partis si je vous l'avais demandé ?Would you have left if I had asked you?

Apparemment, ils seraient partis ce matin.Apparently, they would have left this morning.

Selon Tom, elles seraient rentrées chez elles vers 3h.According to Tom, they went home (lit.would have gone home) around 3.

Notice that être is used - not avoir.


Just as with Le Passé Composé (Indicatif), some verbs (mostly movement verbs) conjugate with être in Le Conditionnel Passé:

je serais, tu serais, il serait, nous serions, vous seriez, ils seraient (Conditionnel) + allé (or other past participle)


Note also that the past participle allé changes if the person doing the action is feminine (allée) or masculine, and singular or plural (allés/allées).

See other lessons on Le Conditionnel Passé:

Conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the conditional past in French (Le Conditionnel Passé)
Conjugate verbs with irregular past participles in the conditional past in French (Le Conditionnel Passé)
Conjugate devoir in the conditional past in French = should have (Le Conditionnel Passé)
Conjugate pouvoir in the conditional past in French = could have (Le Conditionnel Passé)

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Apparemment, ils seraient partis ce matin.Apparently, they would have left this morning.
Nous serions arrivés plus tôt s'il n'y avait pas eu d'embouteillage.We would have arrived earlier if there hadn't been a traffic jam.
Je serais allé en Australie si j'avais eu les moyens.I would have gone to Australia if I could have afforded it.
Selon Tom, elles seraient rentrées chez elles vers 3h.According to Tom, they went home (lit.would have gone home) around 3.
Tu y serais allée toi-même ?Would you have gone (there) yourself?
Serait-elle déjà partie ?Would she have left already?
Seriez-vous partis si je vous l'avais demandé ?Would you have left if I had asked you?
Elle serait allée les voir si elle avait eu le temps.She would have gone to see them if she had had the time.




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