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Verbs ending in -VIR follow the same conjugation as servir (to serve) in Le Présent (Indicatif):
Learn how to conjugate SERVIR (to serve) in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French
je sers |
tu sers |
il/elle/on sert |
nous servons |
vous servez |
ils/elles servent |
Listen to these examples:
Other irregular -VIR verbs include:
se servir de - to use [something]
resservir - to serve up again / to give a second helping
se resservir - to get a second helping
desservir - to clear [the table] / to do a disservice / to service
resservir - to serve up again / to give a second helping
se resservir - to get a second helping
desservir - to clear [the table] / to do a disservice / to service
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Examples and resources
Conjugate servir and other -VIR verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)