Using neuter pronoun le to replace adjectives (French Direct Object Pronouns)

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We already know that the pronoun le can replace a masculine noun (Using le/la/l'/les = it/him/her/them (French Direct Object Pronouns)) or a whole idea (Using neuter pronouns le or l' to refer to previously mentioned ideas (French Direct Object Pronouns)).

Learn how to replace adjectives with the pronoun "le" in French

Now look at these sentences:

Je suis content, et elles le sont aussi.I'm happy, and they are too.

Cette fille est gentille mais ce garçon ne l'est pas.This girl is nice, but this boy is not.

Ce canapé est confortable, mais ces fauteuils ne le sont pas.This couch is comfortable, but these armchairs aren't.

Note that in sentences when you don't want to repeat an adjective, in French you'll need to use the object pronoun le to replace it.

You can't just omit it, and say:
Ce canapé est confortable mais ces fauteuils ne sont pas ... (quoi?). -> In French, something is missing here.

Note also that le becomes l' in front of a vowel or a mute h.


In this context, the pronoun le never agrees in gender nor number.
Ces filles sont gentilles, mais ces garçons ne le sont pas.These girls are nice, but these boys aren't.

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Examples and resources

Ces filles sont gentilles, mais ces garçons ne le sont pas.These girls are nice, but these boys aren't.
Cette fille est gentille mais ce garçon ne l'est pas.This girl is nice, but this boy is not.
Je suis content, et elles le sont aussi.I'm happy, and they are too.
Ce canapé est confortable, mais ces fauteuils ne le sont pas.This couch is comfortable, but these armchairs aren't.
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