Conjugate reflexive verbs in the near future in French using aller + infinitive (Le Futur Proche)

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Learn how to conjugate reflexive verbs in Le Futur Proche (Indicatif) in French:

Je vais me lever tôt.I'm going to get up early.

Tu vas t'habiller.You're going to get dressed.

Elle va s'amuser.She's going to have fun.

Nous allons nous réveiller.We're going to wake up.

Vous allez vous asseoir.You're going to sit down.

Mes jumelles vont s'appeler Léa et Zoé.My twin girls are going to be called Léa and Zoé.

To form Le Futur Proche of reflexive verbs, you place the reflexive pronoun (me/te/se/nous/vous/se) between aller and the infinitive of the reflexive verb:  

Aller (me/te/se/nous/vous/se) + infinitive 


The reflexive pronoun needs to match the subject of the verb (who's doing the action) :
 Je vais se lever. -> Je vais me lever.


See also more advanced lesson Position of French Negations - with conjugated verb + infinitive 

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Examples and resources

Je ne vais pas me tourner les pouces jusqu'à la semaine prochaine !I'm not going to twiddle my thumbs until next week!
Je vais me faire relooker ce weekend : j'ai trop hâte !I'm going to get a makeover this weekend: I can't wait!

(s'amuser - to have fun)

Elle va s'amuser.She's going to have fun.

(s'appeler - to be called)

Mes jumelles vont s'appeler Léa et Zoé.My twin girls are going to be called Léa and Zoé.

(s'asseoir - to sit down)

Vous allez vous asseoir.You're going to sit down.

(s'habiller - to get dressed)

Tu vas t'habiller.You're going to get dressed.

(se lever - to get up)

Je vais me lever tôt.I'm going to get up early.

(se réveiller - to wake up)

Nous allons nous réveiller.We're going to wake up.
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