Conjugate semi-regular -ger verbs in the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait)

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In L'Imparfait (Indicatif), almost all verbs follow the same pattern, but verbs in -ger* require a slight spelling change to accommodate the soft "g" :

The letter e is added after g in most cases except where an i already keeps the g sounding soft - [j]. 

Conjugation of MANGER (to eat) in L'Imparfait (Indicatif) in French

je mangeais
tu mangeais
il/elle/on mangeait
nous mangions
vous mangiez
ils/elles mangeaient

* Here are other -ger verbs which follow that pattern:

ranger (to tidy)
changer (to change)
voyager (to travel)
partager (to share)
plonger (to dive)
nager (to swim)
corriger (to correct)
bouger (to move)

Listen to these examples:

Je mangeais des pâtes.I used to eat pasta.

Tu rangeais ta chambre?Were you tidying your room?

Elle voyageait beaucoup.She used to travel a lot.

Nous changions de voiture tous les ans.We changed cars every year.

Vous voyagiez tout le temps.You used to travel all the time.

Ils mangeaient leurs crottes de nez.They used to eat their bogies. (ew!)

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Tu rangeais ta chambre?Were you tidying your room?
Elle voyageait beaucoup.She used to travel a lot.
Nous changions de voiture tous les ans.We changed cars every year.
Vous voyagiez tout le temps.You used to travel all the time.
Ils mangeaient leurs crottes de nez.They used to eat their bogies. (ew!)
Je mangeais des pâtes.I used to eat pasta.