Position of Double Pronouns in French - Reflexive Pronoun + Direct Object Pronoun

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In French, some sentences can contain two object pronouns
- a direct object pronoun (See Me/te/nous/vous = Me/you/us/you (French Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns) and Using le/la/l'/les = it/him/her/them (French Direct Object Pronouns)
- a reflexive pronoun "me/te/se/nous/vous/se"


Position of direct object pronouns and reflexive pronouns in a sentence in French

Look at these cases combining direct object and reflexive pronouns:

Je me les lave tous les jours.I wash them every day.
Tu te les brosses toutes les nuits.You brush them every night.
Elle se l'est blessée pendant les vacances. (la jambe)She hurt it during the holidays. (her leg)
Nous nous l'imaginons blonde aux yeux bleus.We picture her blond with blue eyes.
Elles se les sont coiffés. (les cheveux)They combed it (their hair).

There are two important patterns to notice in these sentences that are different to English. 

1) the two pronouns both go before the verb:
Je me brosse les dents -> Je me les brosse
I'm brushing my teeth -> I'm brushing them
2) The order is ALWAYS:
    me/te/se/nous/vous/se  (before)  le/la/l'/les

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Nous nous l'imaginons blonde aux yeux bleus.We picture her blond with blue eyes.
Elle se l'est blessée pendant les vacances. (la jambe)She hurt it during the holidays. (her leg)
Tu te les brosses toutes les nuits.You brush them every night.
Elles se les sont coiffés. (les cheveux)They combed it (their hair).
Je me les lave tous les jours.I wash them every day.
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