Learn how to use "penser que" and "croire que" in French
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When using verbs of opinions such as penser (to think) and croire (to believe) to say 'I think that / I believe that' in French, you always need to put que ('that') after them, whereas in English you can sometimes omit it.
For example: In French, you can NEVER say ''Vous pensez elle chante bien.'' or ''Elle croit les anges existent.''
See also the more advanced Expressing "to find" and opinions with the verb "trouver" in French and "Penser/trouver/savoir/croire/prétendre que" are followed with the indicative mood (L'Indicatif) in affirmative sentences BUT with the subjunctive mood (Le Subjonctif) in negative ones
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Penser que/Croire que = To think that/To believe that in French