How to Overcome a French Learning Plateau

Breaking Through and Pushing Forward

Does your progress in the French language feel like a car idling, no matter how hard you try to accelerate?

Whether you've been studying for months or years, everyone hits this wall: the infamous language learning plateau.

What can you do to push past this painful stage into real, measurable improvement?

Before you can make more progress, there are two things to figure out:

  1. Whether you've really hit a French learning plateau
  2. Which tricks will help you push through it

Here are our top tips for both of these areas!

And for additional strategies to maintain motivation and consistency throughout your learning journey—key factors in overcoming any plateau—visit French Learning Motivation and Consistency: The key to successful French practice. It's packed with tips to help you stay focused, set meaningful goals, and make sure you keep progressing.

Table of Contents

Is a Plateau Really a Plateau?

Many French learners feel like they're plateauing when they reach an intermediate level of French.

The more you know, the more you realise you have to learn. This deeper understanding of the language can make your current progress seem insignificant when it's not!

Secondly, you may feel like you're learning intermediate French slower than beginner French. This is likely true, but it's completely reasonable that you can't keep up the pace of beginner learning.

Intermediate learning is more complex. Plus, your brain is busy retaining and reinforcing your beginner knowledge, so it can't take on masses of new information every day.

What feels like a plateau may not be a plateau at all! It's simply the nature of progressing through the more challenging parts of a language.

What's Holding You Back?

What if, even after considering those factors, you feel like you're really not making progress?

Then there's definitely a reason.

We've rounded up the most likely culprits below. Figure out which of these areas is the issue so you can push past it!

Check All Four Skills

The four language skills—reading, writing, speaking, and listening—are intrinsically linked. If one of these areas is lagging behind the others, it will slow down your progress.

Whichever of these skills is your weakest, focus on honing that area for now. Once it catches up with the others, your French will continue to develop. Here are some resources to get you started:

What if you're not sure which of these areas needs work? Create a free Kwiziq French account to take our French language test and find out!

Are You Using High-Quality Materials?

Your progress may also stall if your French learning materials aren't good enough. They could be too basic, too difficult to use, or not of high enough quality.

If you think this could be the issue, we know what to do next: use our resources!

All of our resources are made by expert native French teachers.

That's right—not just native speakers, native teachers who teach French to English speakers professionally. They know exactly what areas you'll struggle with and how to get you over those hurdles.

We have hundreds of exercises for you to strengthen your skills while learning about life in French-speaking places and their culture.

Change Up How You Learn

It could be that despite your best efforts to stick to a French learning routine, you're not tapping into your full learning potential.

For example, you may study frequently, but how often do you test yourself? Testing harnesses the power of recall and reconsolidation, which have proven to be far more effective than rereading alone.

Besides testing, there are many other great language-learning techniques you might not have tried:

Adding different learning methods to your study routine will help you achieve a more well-rounded understanding of the language. They could be just what you need to kickstart your progress!

Set Meaningful Goals

Finally, you may be plateauing because you don't know where to go next. A lack of goals means a lack of motivation, which will stunt your progress. So if you've achieved all your previous French goals, it's time to set new ones!

Goals keep you accountable, motivate you, and help you measure your progress. All of these factors can break you out of the plateau.

Learn more about how to set effective goals in our full article on SMART goals!

Next Steps on Your French Learning Journey

Whether you feel like you're plateauing at A1 or C1, our materials are sure to get you out of your funk. They include all the above plateau-proof factors:

  • All four language skills
  • High quality
  • Various learning methods
  • Trackable goals along the way

Not sure where to start? Create a free Kwiziq French account and take a French level test!


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