Son opinion ?

Stephen W.B1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

Son opinion ?

I have been given that words ending in "ion" were female with the exception of "Bastion". Is this another exception ?  Should it be Sa opinion or sa opinion, or is it that the word begins with a vowel ?

Asked 1 month ago
Maarten K.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer


yes, it is ‘ son opinion ‘ because of the vowel at the start of the singular noun following the possessive adjective. 

See attached lesson

 "Ma" becomes "mon" with feminine nouns starting with a vowel or mute h (French Possessive Adjectives)

Stephen W. asked:

Son opinion ?

I have been given that words ending in "ion" were female with the exception of "Bastion". Is this another exception ?  Should it be Sa opinion or sa opinion, or is it that the word begins with a vowel ?

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