Conjugate pouvoir in the pluperfect tense in French (Le Plus-que-Parfait)

Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) in French is the direct equivalent of the pluperfect in English. It could be described as "the past of the past":

After I had been able to buy a car, traveling to work was no longer an issue.

Of course, English speakers are likely to make contractions: 

After I'd been able to buy a car, traveling to work was no longer an issue.

Learn how to conjugate pouvoir in Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif) in French

Je n'avais jamais pu parler correctement avant.I had never been able to speak properly before.

Tu avais pu leur dire au revoir avant qu'ils ne partent.You had been able to say goodbye to them before they left.

Il n'avait jamais pu lui avouer la vérité.He had never been able to tell her the truth.

Si nous avions pu, nous n'aurions jamais commencé.If we had been able to, we would have never started.
If we could have, we would have never started.

Vous aviez pu le voir une dernière fois.You had been able to see him one last time.

Ils n'avaient jamais pu l'admettre.They had never been able to admit it.

Note that pouvoir in the French pluperfect (Le Plus-que-Parfait (Indicatif)) follows this construction:

Verb avoir in the imperfect tense (L'Imparfait (Indicatif)) + pu (past participle of pouvoir)

Reminder of how to conjugate avoir in L'Imparfait (Indicatif)

tu avais
il avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils avaient

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Il n'avait jamais pu lui avouer la vérité.He had never been able to tell her the truth.
Je n'avais jamais pu parler correctement avant.I had never been able to speak properly before.
Ils n'avaient jamais pu l'admettre.They had never been able to admit it.
Vous aviez pu le voir une dernière fois.You had been able to see him one last time.
Si nous avions pu, nous n'aurions jamais commencé.If we had been able to, we would have never started.
If we could have, we would have never started.
Tu avais pu leur dire au revoir avant qu'ils ne partent.You had been able to say goodbye to them before they left.
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