Faire la queue = To queue/To be in line/To stand in line (French Expressions with faire)

How to say "to queue/to stand in a line" in French:

Look at these sentences:

Nous avons fait la queue toute la nuit pour ces billets.We queued all night for these tickets.
We stood in line all night for these tickets.

Je déteste faire la queue au supermarché.I hate queueing at the supermarket.
I hate waiting in line at the supermarket.

Luc fait la queue au distributeur de billets.Luc is queueing at the ATM.
Luc is waiting in line at the ATM.

Tu ne fais pas souvent la queue.You don't queue often.
You don't stand in line often.

In French, you express the action to queue or to stand/wait in line with the expression faire la queue.

You cannot say je queue nor je suis en ligne (this last one means I'm online in French).


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Je déteste faire la queue au supermarché.I hate queueing at the supermarket.
I hate waiting in line at the supermarket.
Luc fait la queue au distributeur de billets.Luc is queueing at the ATM.
Luc is waiting in line at the ATM.
Elle a fait la queue pendant des heures !She queued for hours!
She stood in line for hours!
Tu ne fais pas souvent la queue.You don't queue often.
You don't stand in line often.
Nous avons fait la queue toute la nuit pour ces billets.We queued all night for these tickets.
We stood in line all night for these tickets.
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