Notre/nos/votre/vos/leur/leurs = our/your/their (French Possessive Adjectives)

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Unlike in English, in French, plural subjects have three possessive adjectives: masculine, feminine, plural.

Possessive adjectives of plural subjects in French

Look at these examples:

Ils aiment leurs parents.They love their parents.

Nous promenons notre chien.We walk our dog.

Vous faites vos devoirs.You do your homework.

Pouvez-vous apporter vos chaussures, s'il-vous-plaît?Can you bring your shoes please?

Vous avez passé votre examen.You took/sat your exam.

Nous avons nos passeports.We have our passports.

Notice that to express our, your and their, you use the possessive adjectives notre/nos, votre/vos, leur/leurs, as following:


  Singular Plural
our notre
your (vous) votre
their leur

Note the similarity of the forms.

IMPORTANT: The first letter is determined by the owner (n =our; v =your, l =their) etc. but the rest of the adjective is related to the number of the thing that is possessed.

More Possessive Adjectives

Mon, ma, mes; ton, ta, tes; son, sa, ses = my; your; his / her in French (French possessive adjectives)

and also the more advanced

Common mistakes with mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes and son/sa/ses (French Possessive Adjectives)

"Ma" becomes "mon" with feminine nouns starting with a vowel or mute h (French Possessive Adjectives)

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Examples and resources

Vous avez passé votre examen.You took/sat your exam.
Pouvez-vous apporter vos chaussures, s'il-vous-plaît?Can you bring your shoes please?
Nous avons nos passeports.We have our passports.
Vive le vent, vive le vent,
Vive le vent d'hiver,
Qui rapporte aux vieux enfants,
Leurs souvenirs d'hier, oh !
Long live the wind, long live the wind,
Long live the winter wind,
Which brings to old kids,
Their memories of yesterday, oh!
Vous faites vos devoirs.You do your homework.
Nous promenons notre chien.We walk our dog.
Ils aiment leurs parents.They love their parents.
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