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In French, the adverbial pronoun "en" is very useful. It can be used for different usages. One of them is to replace quantities.
Learn how to use "en" to replace quantities in French
Look at these examples with the pronoun "en":
En as a pronoun can replace a noun when given a quantity of it = I bought twenty of them / I have three of them...
Note the order is as such:
Simple tense : en + [verb] + [number]
Close Future : aller + en + [infinitive] + [number]
Compound tense : en + [auxiliary] + [past participle] + [number]
This also applies to un / une (one):
as well as un autre / une autre (another one):
See also En can replace de + [phrase] (French Adverbial Pronouns)
and Using le/la/l'/les = it/him/her/them (French Direct Object Pronouns)
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