Conjugate vouloir/pouvoir/devoir in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur)

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Learn how to conjugate vouloir, pouvoir and devoir in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) in French

Look at vouloir, pouvoir and devoir in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) (I will have wanted/been able to/needed to):

Il aura voulu rire jusqu'au bout.He will have wanted to laugh until the end.

Nous aurons voulu le revoir.We will have wanted to see it again.

Tu auras pu chanter sur scène.You will have been able to sing on stage.

Ils auront pu se revoir.They will have been able to see each other again.

Nous aurons dû laisser la voiture derrière nous.We will have had to leave the car behind.

Tu auras dû renoncer à ton rêve.You will have had to give up your dream.

Note that Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) of these verbs follows this construction:

Avoir in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) + voulu / pu /  [past participles]
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Ma sœur n'est pas encore là. Elle aura dû rester plus tard au bureau.My sister isn't there yet. She must have had to stay later at the office.
Martin partait ce matin. Elles auront voulu lui dire au revoir.Martin was leaving this morning. They must have wanted to say goodbye to him.


Nous aurons dû laisser la voiture derrière nous.We will have had to leave the car behind.
Tu auras dû renoncer à ton rêve.You will have had to give up your dream.


Tu auras pu chanter sur scène.You will have been able to sing on stage.
Ils auront pu se revoir.They will have been able to see each other again.


Nous aurons voulu le revoir.We will have wanted to see it again.
Il aura voulu rire jusqu'au bout.He will have wanted to laugh until the end.
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