Conjugate verbs (+ être) in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur)

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Learn how to conjugate verbs with être in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) in French

1- Reflexive verbs

Look at these regular reflexive verbs conjugated in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif).

Je me serai lavé d'ici là.I'll have washed by then.

Est-ce que tu te seras levée d'ici 11 heures ?Will you have got up by 11?

Elle se sera bien amusée ce jour-là !She'll have had a good time that day!

Nous nous serons trompés de date.We'll have got the date wrong.

Vous vous serez trompés d'heure.You'll have got the time wrong.

Elles se seront réveillées trop tard et auront manqué leur train.They'll have woken up too late and missed their train.

The rule is as follows:

[reflexive pronoun] + être in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) + [past participle]
Remember that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject.


2- Other verbs with être in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif)

Just as in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif), the verbs taking être as their auxiliary in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) are:

aller allé to go
arriver arrivé to arrive
demeurer demeuré to remain
descendre descendu to go down / to get off
devenir devenu to become
entrer entré to come in
monter monté to go up / to get on
mourir mort to die
naître to be born
partir parti to leave
passer passé to pass
rentrer rentré to come back in / to come home
rester resté to stay
retourner retourné to go back
revenir revenu to come back
sortir sorti to go out
tomber tombé to fall
venir venu to come

To see how to form Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) of these verbs, look at the following examples:

Je serai allé au Canada au moins une fois dans ma vie.I will have gone to Canada at least once in my life.

Sonia, quand tu seras revenue, on le fera. Sonia, when you'll be back, we'll do it.

À 19h, elle sera déjà rentrée chez elle.At 7pm, she'll already have gone back home.

Nous serons arrivés à l'aéroport d'ici là.We'll have arrived at the airport by then.

Souvenez-vous de nous quand vous serez devenues des actrices célèbres !Remember us when you've become famous actresses!

Seront-ils sortis de l'école à cette heure-là ?Will they be out of school at that time?

Quand elles seront parties, tu pourras nettoyer.When they have left, you'll be able to clean.

The rule is as follows:

Être in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) + [past participle]
Remember that the past participle (here allé) agrees in gender and number with the subject.
So use allée (fem. sing.), or allés/allées (plural masc/fem).


See also:

Conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur)

Conjugate avoir/être/faire and other irregular verbs in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur)

Conjugate vouloir/pouvoir/devoir in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur)

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Examples and resources

Nous serons arrivés à l'aéroport d'ici là.We'll have arrived at the airport by then.
Vous vous serez trompés d'heure.You'll have got the time wrong.
Souvenez-vous de nous quand vous serez devenues des actrices célèbres !Remember us when you've become famous actresses!
Elles se seront réveillées trop tard et auront manqué leur train.They'll have woken up too late and missed their train.
Est-ce que tu te seras levée d'ici 11 heures ?Will you have got up by 11?
À 19h, elle sera déjà rentrée chez elle.At 7pm, she'll already have gone back home.
Tu seras allé dans tellement d'endroits !You will have gone so many places!
Seront-ils sortis de l'école à cette heure-là ?Will they be out of school at that time?
Marie sera allée les voir.Marie will have gone to see them.
Serez-vous allées au supermarché ?Will you have gone to the supermarket?
Ils seront allés au parc.They will have gone to the park.
Nous serons allés à Paris avant de te voir.We will have gone to Paris before seeing you.
Elles seront allées visiter le Louvre.They will have gone to visit the Louvre.
Quand elles seront parties, tu pourras nettoyer.When they have left, you'll be able to clean.
Je me serai lavé d'ici là.I'll have washed by then.
Sonia, quand tu seras revenue, on le fera. Sonia, when you'll be back, we'll do it.
Elle se sera bien amusée ce jour-là !She'll have had a good time that day!
Je serai allé au Canada au moins une fois dans ma vie.I will have gone to Canada at least once in my life.
Nous nous serons trompés de date.We'll have got the date wrong.