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You already know that the adverbial pronoun "en" is used to replace quantities. It can also be used replace specific phrases.
How to use the pronoun "en" to replace phrases in French
Look at these sentences with the pronoun en:
Que penses-tu de cette exposition ? - J'en pense le plus grand bien !What do you think of this exhibition? - I think very highly of it.
-> Note that en can replace plural things too.
En as a pronoun can replace phrases introduced by the preposition de + [thing]/[object]/[location] (but not people), particularly with verbs that require de.
In such cases, you cannot replace the noun alone with a pronoun; you must replace the whole de + [noun] group with en.
In such cases, you cannot replace the noun alone with a pronoun; you must replace the whole de + [noun] group with en.
Case of "de" + [people]
In the case of de + [people], the preposition de remains and is followed by a stress pronoun (moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles) replacing and agreeing with the noun:
Examples with uncountable things
Ta viande est dans ton assiette. Pourquoi tu ne la manges pas ?Your meat is in your plate. Why don't you eat it?
-> See our lesson on Using le/la/l'/les = it/him/her/them (French Direct Object Pronouns)
See also Y can replace à + [thing/object/location] (French Adverbial Pronouns) and Y = There (French Adverbial Pronouns)
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