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Chacun/chacune and chaque sound similar so it's easy to mix them up. Here's how to use them correctly.
How to use chacun/chacune and chaque in French
To express each/every in French, there are different expressions depending on sentences:
chaque [chose] : each [thing]
To say each/every [thing], you use chaque + [singular noun].
chacun/chacune des [choses] : each of [things]
To say each/every one of [things], you use chacun/chacune des + [plural noun].
To say each one of us/you/them, you use chacun/chacune d'entre nous/vous/eux/elles (stress pronouns)
chacun/chacune on their own = each one, every one
To say each/every [one], you use chacun / chacune.
Chacun applies to nouns and was originally the contraction of "chaque+un / chaque+une".
It therefore agrees in gender with the person/group/thing it refers to.
It therefore agrees in gender with the person/group/thing it refers to.
You cannot write chaque un as two words.
See also the opposite:
Ne ... aucun(e) = None (French Negations)
and Aucun/e … ne = None (French Negations)
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Chacun/chacune/chaque = each one/each (French Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns)