French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,921 questions • 30,016 answers • 861,815 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,921 questions • 30,016 answers • 861,815 learners
In the example below, taken from the lesson, could you please explain why la tête is in the singular when translating 'our heads' which is in the plural.
Nous nous grattons la tête ... We're scratching our heads
Thank you
If it can be e acute or e grave why not e natural? The Academy should give preference to simpler solutions!
Jean-Jacques Goldman et Céline Dion!! J'adore cette chanson.
"On me dit qu'aujourd'hui, on me dit que les autres font ne suis pas les autres..non....non"
Bonjour !
I have been told by French people that I cannot apply this rule to the verb commencer à.
For example:
Je commence à faire mes devoirs. J'y commence.
I am starting to do my homework. I'm starting it.
Is it an exception ? Or is it just socially not regularly used ?
Merci !
We are asked to translate ‘Sprinkle with salt and pepper’.
The two possible answers that are given are:
1, Saupoudrez avec du sel et du poivre
2. Saupoudrez de sel et de poivre
I understand why du is correct as as it is used with ‘uncountable’ nouns which in this case are sel and poivre.
Could you please explain why de sel and de poivre are also correct.
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