French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,175 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,175 learners
Claire n’a vendu aucun livre au vide-grenier. Please explain why « aucun » is after the past participial and not after n’a aucun vendu? Merci
Well done!I walk along the canals,
The best answer is:Compare your answerJe me promène à coté dle long de ses canaux,
You could also say:je me balade le long de ses canaux,
Or also:je marche le long de ses canaux,
How do you describe colors that are not the basic color wheel hues like red, blue, green, purple? For example, if I wanted to describe a pale peachy-pink? Rose is too broad. I am an artist and I want to be able to describe in French colors more specifically. Merci.
In my dictionary, the verb, sail, is translated as "naviguer" or "faire de la voile". The latter, which I used in the first sentence, was accepted. I believe that "faire de la voile" was not accepted in the second sentence nor in the last sentence of this exercise. Is there a distinction that I am missing or is it just a question of the use of variation in this paragraph?
It appears that you have altered the sensitivity of the-- Next lesson box, in all exercices
A click used to operate from anywhere in the box - now only in the bottom area..
Would it be possible to make the whole box sensitive to a mouse click.
Thank you for help'
Can "Ces" be used to describe for both masculine and feminine nouns?
As per this lesson, would it be wrong to use the passé composé in ALL positive sentences with DEPUIS??
For example - "Vous avez grossi depuis l'année dernière."? Is it incorrect? [You have gained weight since last year]. Is it a must to use present tense ONLY over here?
So, "Vous grossissez depuis l'année dernière." - (Present Tense) [You have been gaining weight since last year]
In this structure in English, you can use either an object pronoun or a subject pronoun plus a verb. You can't use a subject pronoun without a verb. "She is taller than me." OR "She is taller than I am." BUT NOT "She is taller than I."
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