French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,914 questions • 29,997 answers • 860,939 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,914 questions • 29,997 answers • 860,939 learners
In England, if you ask 95% of the populace if they use the word 'whom' they will look at you with a puzzled expression. Stop confusing french learners with this extinct conundrum. Move on
Should we are going to Portugal be nous allons au Portugal or nous allons dans le Portugal.
Why is it "était DE" here? Why is the "DE" used ?
I was wondering what is the easiest way to know when something is in the 12 hour clock or when something is in the 24 hour clock? This seems to be my most problem in this section of understanding.
Pour moi, question 8, on the 8th February 2023, Nous ne voyons personne» means : ....I put 'we never see anyone' which you have said is incorrect. In english We don't (do not) see anyone, can also mean 'we are particular who we see'. Is this the same in french for Nous ne voyons personne, if so why is it not clarified?
commence par une vocale et que quand il commence par une consonante, est-ce qu'ilya une règle?
The lessons says to use either. Where is the explanation/lesson details?
should it not be "ces sont des amours" rather than "ce sont des amours"?
What is the difference between polluer and faire polluer?
I'm sorry, but this is a terrible example sentence. Who on earth would refer to walking their dog as "taking a walk with" their dog? The dog has no independence. It doesn't join you for a walk the same way your friend Julie might.
The example sentence should be changed to:
Anne et Antoine promènent leur chien.
You can have the same answer choices, but the correct answer would be "Anne and Antoine are walking their dog." Which is a sentence you might say in real life, as opposed to "They're taking a walk with their dog" which no one said ever.
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