French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,931 questions • 30,038 answers • 862,973 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,931 questions • 30,038 answers • 862,973 learners
What about feeling worse - would that be se sentir plus mal? Is there a reason it’s not included?
When translating the name Maryse Lépine I just assumed it was the same in french as in english but it is corrected to l'Épine. Is that right?
Would it also be correct to say, "Elles dorment en s'enlacant."?
(Sorry I know that the C is missing the cedille, here.)
Merci !
Brief explanation on how to know when w verb is followed by à, de or pour
Qui peut m'aider s'il vous plaît 🙏🙏
Brief explanation on how to know when w verb is followed by à, de or pour
Qui peut m'aider s'il vous plaît 🙏🙏
Once I’ve used ‘demi ’ when ‘moitié’ was the right answer and once I used ‘moitié’ when ‘demi’ was the right answer. The explanations given for appropriate usage still aren’t doing it for me.
We can't hear "Apportez un pique-nique."
This is a bit subtle, and perhaps it is more advanced than an A1 level test.
I notice in the summary of the text that Président has been capitalised. "Le Président visite un musée"
I believe this is incorrect and that this should not be capitalised in French:
le président français. = the French president.
Le président de la République française = The President of the French Republic.
Although if you were speaking to the President of France in direct address , you would address them as: "Monsieur le Président/Madame la Présidente (de la Republique).
Why does aimer mean love instead of like in this sentence:
Elle aime sa nouvelle veste.She loves her new jacket.Doesn't aimer mean to like when used with things/objects? Somewhat confused.Find your French level for FREE
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