French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,012 questions • 30,317 answers • 876,619 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,012 questions • 30,317 answers • 876,619 learners
1. Oui, je pars en vacances
Google Translate has 'envoûtant' instead of 'fascinantes' as translation for 'mesmerising' - and Word reference seems to agree. Is this an OK substitute?
The text above says "different than" - this is an Americanism. In British English it should read "different from", or (less favoured) "different to." However the words are spelt in British English. I am nitpicking, but isn't this par for the course?!
"Oui, je suis americain d'origine, mais en tant que vampire je n'ai pas de pays."
Could you discuss the usage of "en tant que" please? Is there a lesson related to this subject? From the context it is easy to discern the meaning, but I would like to learn more about the correct usage of this phrase and any other related phrases.
The recording of the full lesson is not complete.
Bonjour - J’ai remarqué que l'homme de gauche a utilisé le passé simple deux fois (“et ce fut une défaite cuisante” et “notre équipe obtint . . .”). Est-ce qu’il est courant d'utiliser le passé simple en parlant ? Est-ce parce qu'il parlait de faits historiques ? Merci !
Can we use instead of il y a + duration, Avant+ duration?
1. Tu vas à London.
2. Tu réponds aux questions.
3. Nous allons à London.
4. Tu as de la patience.
5. Vous allez a l'école en bus.
6. Tu écoutes de la musique.
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